Monday, August 10, 2020

Northeast Region Driver of the Month - July 2020

Please join me in congratulating Bill Joseph from the US Cold Storage location based in Bethlehem Pennsylvania for being selected as the July 2020 northeast region driver of the month.  Bill is our 7th driver of the month for 2020 and will become eligible for our prestigious driver of the year honor being chosen in early 2021.

Bill started out his long career with JB Hunt back in 2011.  He began at our Home Depot Account and quickly became a very valuable asset.  He transferred to US Cold storage when the account was started up and has been with us ever since.  He has helped in starting up multiple other accounts and is the trainer for US Cold Storage.  Bill is willing to do whatever is needed throughout our week and is the go-to person when anyone has a question about maintenance on trucks and trailers, directions to just about all our locations, and really any information that people may need.  He has helped me, Jason, tremendously with figuring out trailer pools and whether certain load combinations will work while Katie has been on leave.  He is a very valuable asset to our account, and to JB Hunt, and is deserving of this honor.  Bill drives safe and always makes his deliveries on time.   

            He has a wife at home, and they have 9 kids and 13 grand kids with a 14th on the way.  In his spare time, when he can find it, Bill likes to Hunt and Fish on his property, but does admit that he doesn’t know what to do with himself when he finally takes a vacation. 

Great Work Bill!