Thursday, September 14, 2017

Northeast Region Driver of the Month - August 2017

Please join me in congratulating Stanley Brown from the C&S Bethlehem location for being selected as the Northeast Region driver of the month for August 2017.

Stanley, an 11-year employee, is a tremendous asset to the C&S Bethlehem team. Stanley is reliable; he never turns down work that is considered “undesirable” by other drivers and has become a true model employee for new hires. He has proven to be our account “go-to guy” and is willing to help wherever needed.  Stanley is a devoted 6th day driver, working at least 2 to 3 Saturday’s a month. His work ethic and commitment to C&S Bethlehem is unparalleled.

In addition to his hard-working nature, Stanley is one of the safest drivers on the C&S Bethlehem fleet.  Stanley has accumulated 785,583 safe miles during his tenure and hasn’t had a critical event year to date. Stanley serves as an example of our expectation of safety at C&S Bethlehem. 

Stanley has become a role model for our healthy initiative at our account. Stanley became one of the first drivers walk around the C&S warehouse as a form of exercise and completes this one-mile walk at least 3 times per week. His commitment to health has inspired others to do the same, creating a healthier atmosphere for the fleet.

When not working a 6th day week, Stanley enjoys spending time with his granddaughter.

Stanley’s contribution to the C&S Bethlehem fleet is recognized by not only the office staff, but the drivers around him.  Congratulations, Stanley, on your well-deserved selection as Driver of the Month!

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