Monday, June 17, 2019

Northeast Region Driver of the Month - May 2019

Please join me in congratulating Rassan Downes for being selected as the May northeast region driver of the month.   Rassans management had the following to say; Rassan has been a runner for Amazon northeast,  he comes to work with a fantastic attitude, loves to train our new drivers, and overall really enjoys his time with the account. Rassan is an extremely safe driver, he has had 26 critical vehicle events in the last year however has gone the last 30 days critical event free. This shows Rassan’s commitment to safety and our account’s safety culture. Rassan has helped contribute to our recent million-mile accident free streak as well. Not only has Rassan not had any accidents, he is also a trainer on our account teaching our newer drivers the ins and outs of running for Amazon. He is available day and night for his trainees to answer any questions and is nothing but helpful for a new hire.

Rassan has a family outside of work who motivate him to drive like a champion today. Rassan understands that especially in a region as congested as the northeast he needs to be vigilant on the road, watching for other motorists engaging in risky activity and steering clear of any possible danger. His goal is to complete the job and get home safe to his family.  For these reasons Rassan will join the other 11 nominees in 2019 to be considered for the prestigious driver of the year award being named in January 2020. 

Great Job Rassan and team Amazon northeast!

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