Thursday, September 10, 2015

Northeast Region Driver of the Month - August 2015

Please join me in congratulating Tim Hutto from the C&S York Pennsylvania location for being selected as the August 2015 northeast region driver of the month.  Tim came aboard JB Hunt in 1995 and recently celebrated his 20 year anniversary.  Mr. Hutto has worked for several DCS accounts over the years and has accumulated over 1.7 million safe miles. In addition to a great safety record Tim approaches his job with the same level of professionalism every day by performing a thorough inspection of his equipment and dedication to getting the freight to the customer without fail.  Tim's demeanor is one that gains the respect of his peers and the entire management staff. 

Mr. Hutto demonstrates a high level of team concept as he understands the high demand of a  C&S account and consistently works an extra day that could be spent with his family to alleviate the pressure off of the account. Mr. Hutto has and will continue to role model what it means to be a professional driver for JB Hunt as his actions carry volume for a man that speaks very little.  For his selection Mr Hutto will have his picture displayed throughout the region and at DCS headquarters in Lowell Arkansas.  He will also become eligible for the coveted northeast region driver of the year award  along with the other monthly winners in 2015. 

Congratulations Tim!

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